Allnigthers Room

Surfing the Net

It's a lot to be discovered out there, but i thought i just mention some of IT...


IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and is like a HUGE place for people to get together and chat. To be able to access to it you have to have an irc-client at your site. Often it can be as much as 3-4000 people on at the same time. Anyone can imaging how hard it would be get his/hers voice thrue in such a crowd. The sollution is channels. IRC is divided into channels and by the name one can figure out what they do chat about in that channel. For exampel one channels name is #sex (the "#" is always infront of all channels name)and there's no doubt what they are talking about in that one:). If you're not sure if your site has IRC then just type "irc" at your prompt and find out. If you get in then you type "/join #[channelsname]" to join into one and "/list" to list all channels. Type "/help" to learn about other commands. Another thing is...


News is a world wide conferenssystem. It's pretty much as IRC, except this isn't "live", also divided into topics to discuss. If you want to access news you type "trn" at your prompt and then you will be asked if you want to subscribe to different newsgroups. If you think you want to, you just hit "y" or [enter] at the newsgroup. In the newsgroup you can hit "h" to get help about all kind of commands to be used in the trn-program. News (Usenet) is a really great place to learn about all kinds of things! If you want to try it now then just click me. Also, we got...


To get into a "gopher-session" just type gopher at your site. Gopher is an instrument to help you scan all sorts of documents all around the world. You can eighter scan manually by just use the arrows on your keyboard or you can get help from "Veronica". Veronica is a program that helps you search for topics on documents. You just enter anything, for exampel "computers" and the program scans for documents that deals with this subject and if it found any they will soon (sometimes it will take a while though) be up on your screen.If you are into games you should try...


Another great thing is...


Ftp stands for File Transfer Protocol and is a way for you to get all kinds of files home to your computer. The way to see if you can use ftp at your site is by for exampel type "ftp" and if it works you'll get prompted for a username. When using ftp you always fill in "anonymous" as your username. After that you will be asked to fill in your e-mailadress.Your next move is to type "ls" and a lot of directories will pop up and the one you will enter is /pub by typing "cd pub". This directory contains all files that you are permitted to download. Let say you find a file thats called and you want to get it home to your computer... The first thing you do is to type "bin"-this will make you able to trasnfer files that are binary, like this one is. If you want to download an asciifile, then just type ascii instead. Ok, your next move is to type "get" and after that you just wait until the file is transfered. How to "unzip" the file you'll have to ask someone;). One last tip, in alsmost all directories there are a file called "INDEX" or index.txt. In that file you'll find information about the files in that directory. May save you some time... Well last but not least is...


Telnet is like Internets "phone". This program will make you able to connect with other computers all around the world. And there are a lot of them! Type for exampel "telnet 2000" and see if something happens(if it works you'll end up in a chatgroup about our enviroment). There are many services on Internet that are accessable with telnet. What you need to do is to ftp some file from any ftp-site with information about it and hopefully find what you are looking for.

If you want more of the same then please check out Anders Party Zone but don't take any notice about what he has to say about OS/2;)

! Well that's IT, folks!