The Dragons Lair

How to become a Mudplayer

I remember the first time I ever got in contact with a Mud. I had just been studying for a couple of months at Lund university when a guy in my class showed me AlexMud. It's a rather small Mud but a splendid one for a newbie. Well this guy showed me a couple of commands and as I played I learned more. Then this day came-I was hooked, and when I say hooked I mean it. I couldn't think of anything else then how to reach the next level, get better e quipment and so on. I played that mud for 2 terms, how many hours I wouldnt dare telling you:). After this i started playing the Medevia Mud.

If you feel like trying this mud, AlexMud, and haven't played any mud before then you must now a little about how it works. So here's lesson one, let me just remind you-you might get really hooked on it...

...Logging on to the mud

The first question you'll get is "By what name do you wish to be known?". Here you just use your imagination and comes up with a name that u like. However if the name is allready taken you will be prompted "password:", and if that happens you have chosen a name that's allready taken- and you have to start all over again. But lets say you chose a name not taken. Then the next thing to do is to chose a password for your character. Remember to chose one that you will remember! You will be prompted twice about your password. When this is done the next thing is to chose your sex-you press M for male and F for female. Let me just add that some players chose their opposite sex. Its mostly guys who are playing and if a girl turns up in the mud-she will be helpted a LOT:) Well, next thing is to chose a "class" there are four classes: Cleric, Thief, Warrior and Magic-user. The easiest class for a newbie is Warrior. So chose that class if you have never played a mud before. After this you are welcomed to the mud and you chose 1) Enter the game. You are in.

...Playing the game

When you enter a mud for the first time then only thing you get is confused. All this text scrolling on your screen. And the text stays so short time on the screen. Dont worry, you will get used to it in notime. First of all type "help newbie" and read it! After you have read it you can type "display all". Now you see three number coming up in the left corner of the screen. Those are, from left to right Hitpoints, Mana and Movementpoints. When you la ter will fight you will see that your Hitpoints will decrease while fighting. Beware cause when its down to -1 you are dead. If you have chosen the Warrior-class you dont need to know what mana is so i won't tell you:). Last, to the right is Movementpoint s. When you walk around in the mud your Movementpoints will decrease for each step you take. When its down to zero you can't move any more and you have to rest.

In a mud you play WITH other poeple from all around the world and you can communicate with them. If you type "who" a list will get up on the screen telling you how many people who is currently on the mud. All of them are you able to talk to. Try by typing "shout please help me-im a total newbie!". What will happen is this: on every players screen it will say: "[the name u are playing under] shouts 'please help me-im a total newbie!" ...and hopefully someone will help you as well:).

I could go on for ever telling you how to play-but I won't. Just type help and from there learn and don't be afraid to ask other players for help. They where once newbies too! Here's a short list of...


Finally let me tell you that after you have been playing for a while you will really be able to relate to the two pictures on this www-page:) Press this for instant Mud: AlexMud

Here's some links to get in "mudmode"...

The World of Muds and Fantasy.

Or you might be someone that allready have played some muds before then try Another Mud.

And last you might wanna read some news about muds then this is for you: