SID COMMANDS Command Meaning As (Assemble) Enter assembly language statements s is the start address Cs{b{,d}} (Call) Call to memory location from SID s is the called address b is the value of the BC register pair d is the value of the DE register pair D{W}{s}{,f} (Display) Display memory in hex and ASCII W is a 16-bit word format s is the start address f is the finish address Epgm-filespec (Load) Load program and symbol table {,sym-filespec} for execution E*sym-filespec (Load) Load a symbol table file Fs,f,d (Fill) Fill memory with constant value s is the start address f is the finish address d is an eight-bit data item G{p}{,a{,b}} (Go) Begin Execution p is a start address a is a temporary breakpoint H (Hex) Displays all symbols with addresses in Hex H.a Displays hex, decimal, and ASCII values of a where a is a symbolic expression Ha,b Computes hex sum and difference of a and b where a and b are symbolic expressions Icommand tail (Input) Input CCP command line L{s}{,f} (List) List 8080 mnemonic instructions s is the start address f is the finish address Ms,h,d (Move) Move Memory Block s is the start address h is the high address of the block d is the destination start address P{p{,c}} (Pass) Pass point set, reset, and display p is a permanent breakpoint address c is initial value of pass counter Q (Quit) Exit SID (for compatibility with 80x86 versions of SID) Rfilespec{,d} (Read) Read Code/Symbols d is an offset to each address S{W}s (Set) Set Memory Values s is address where value is sent W is 16 bit word T{n{,c}} (Trace) Trace Program Execution n is the number of program steps c is the utility entry address. T{W}{n{,c}} (Trace) Trace Without Call W instructs SID not to trace subroutines n is the number of program steps c is the utility entry address U{W}{n{,c}} (Untrace) Monitor Execution without Trace n is the number of program steps c is the utility entry address W instructs SID not to trace subroutines V (Value) Display the value of the next available location in memory (NEXT), the next location after the largest file read in (MSZE), the current value of the Program counter (PC), and the address of the end of available memory (END) Wfilespec,s,f (Write) Write the contents of a contiguous block of memory to filespec. f is finish address X{f}{r} (Examine) Examine/alter CPU state. f is flag bit C,Z,M,E or I. r is register A,B,D,H,S or P. HELP>