SETDEF Syntax: SETDEF { d: {,d: {,d: {,d:}}}} {[ TEMPORARY = d: ] | [ ORDER = (typ {,typ}) ]} SETDEF [DISPLAY | NO DISPLAY] SETDEF [PAGE | NOPAGE] SETDEF [US | UK | YMD] Explanation: SETDEF allows the user to display or define up to four drives for the program search order, the drive for temporary files, and the file type search order. The SETDEF definitions affect only the loading of programs and/or execution of SUBMIT (SUB) files. SETDEF turns on/off the system Display and Console Page modes. When on, the system displays the location and name of programs loaded or SUBmit files executed, and stops after displaying one full console screen of information. SETDEF is also used to select whether dates are displayed in US, UK or Year-Month-Day format. ENTER .subtopic FOR INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING SUBTOPICS: EXAMPLES HELP>