GENCOM EXAMPLES A>GENCOM MYPROG PROG1 PROG2 Generates a new COM file MYPROG.COM with attached RSX's PROG1 and PROG2. A>GENCOM PROG1 PROG2 [NULL] Creates a COM file PROG1.COM with RSX's PROG1 and PROG2. A>GENCOM MYPROG GENCOM takes MYPROG.COM, strips off the header and deletes all attached RSX's to restore it to its original COM format. A>GENCOM MYPROG PROG1 PROG2 GENCOM looks at the already-GENCOMed file MYPROG.COM to see if PROG1.RSX and PROG2.RSX are already attached RSX files in the module. If either one is already attached, GENCOM replaces it with the new RSX module. Otherwise, GENCOM appends the specified RSX files to the COM file. HELP>