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We will start two beginner classes, which during the term will learn the slow Tai Chi form's first part, twelve postures, step by step. This is the classic Yang style which is the most popular form of Tai Chi in China.
The program also includes several forms of Qi Gong, including exercises from the Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade Qi Gong (Ba Duan Jin), which is one of the most commonly practiced forms of Qi Gong in China today. The class can include other exercises as well, such as standing and sitting meditation, breathing technique and accupressure.

MONDAYS 18.00 - 18.50 Sorgenfri School. 
Class starts 19 September (19/9-12/12)

WEDNESDAYS18.00 - 18.50 Sorgenfri School. 
Class starts 21 September (21/9-14/12)

CLASS FEE 1250 kr/term 
(plus member fee 120 kr, see below)
Additional fee 450 kr for those that will go
two times per week, both days.

DISCOUNT for students, retirees and 
unemployed, 200 kr on all classes. 

INFORMATION For questions and registration, call Svenska Tai Chi Chuan Institutet at telephone 040-97 79 89 or send email to info@taichi.nu. Here you can also request a printed course program.

Registration can be done by the following:

1. Pre-register with a reserved place. Registeration can be done by paying the class fee to Svenska Tai Chi Chuan Institutet, postgiro 415 29 09-0 (Note!: not membership fees, read more further down). Include which day and class the registration is for. This form of registration gives you a guaranteed place. 

2. Pre-register without a reserved place. Registration can be done by sending an email to info@taichi.nu or by calling 040-97 79 89. Indicate which day/class you wish to attend, as well as your name and address. Class fees are paid when the class starts. This form of registration gives you preference if there are too few places. 

TRY FOR FREE At the start of the term, you can try Tai Chi without cost for the first class of the term. 

THE TEACHER is Klas Larsson with more than 20 years of experience in Tai Chi and Qi Gong. He has deep knowledge of the subject and also has been educated in chinese medicine. 
Klas Larsson has been a student of Tung Kai Ying, one of the world's foremost traditional Tai Chi masters, since 1984 and teaches under his direction.

DEMONSTRATION Sunday the 11th of September, 13.00 at Sorgenfri School in Malmö. We will demonstrate a cross-section of our broad repertoire in Tai Chi and Qi Gong. We will also demonstrate saber and sword forms, partner exercises and fast Tai Chi forms.
Free entrance, all are welcome!

VISITORS are welcome at the classes, after agreement. Call or email to discuss the occasion.

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The regular classes are a mixed group, for those that have attended the beginner class, and for those that have learned the entire slow Tai Chi form, and can therefore attend both days. Those that have attended the beginner class continue with Regular Class 1 where you will learn the second set of hte Tai chi form, and then Regular Class 2 where you will learn the third set of the Tai chi form the following term, in order to learn the entire slow Tai Chi form. We work both in small groups as well as with the entire class, with continuing the Tai Chi form and further develop the techniques. We work also with Qi Gong exercises and meditation, with the fast Tai Chi form for those that have learned the entire slow form, and with Tui Shou/partner exercises, applications and self defense. Those that wish can, without charge, attend the beginner classes to receive further basic training, with repetition and improvement of the Tai Chi form's first part.

Mondays 19.00-20.30 at Sorgenfri School. 
Class starts 29 August (29/8-12/12)
Class fee 1800 kr (plus membership fee 120 kr, see below)
Class fee for both days together is 2100 kr/term

DISCOUNT 200 kr for students, retirees and unemployeed.

Wednesdays 19.00-20.30 at Sorgenfri School. 
Class starts 31 August (31/8-14/12)
Class fee 1800 kr (plus membership fee 120 kr, see below)
Class fee for both days together is 2100 kr/term

DISCOUNT 200 kr for students, retirees and unemployeed.

INFORMATION For questions and registration, call Svenska Tai Chi Chuan Institutet at telephone 040-97 79 89 or send email to info@taichi.nu. Here you can also request a printed course program.

The class is open to all who attend the regular classes. We work with Tai Chi saber form, Tai Chi sword form, first and second Dui Lian/San Shou (a series of Tai Chi movements done as partner exercises), with Tung family's Tai Chi form, with the old Wu/Hao style Tai Chi and other exercises.  

Mondays 20.30-21.30 at Sorgenfri School. 
Class starts 29 August (29/8-12/12)
Class fee 600 kr 

Wednesdays 20.30-21.30 atå Sorgenfri School. 
Class starts 31 August (31/8-14/12)
Class fee 600 kr 

Class fee for both days together is 900 kr/term

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Svenska Tai Chi Chuan Föreningen is a nonprofit organization with the purpose of spreading knowledge of and promote the teaching of Tai Chi Chuan. The Förening arranges Svenska Tai Chi Chuan Institutets classes in Malmö and Lund. Therefore membership in the Förening is a prerequisite for all attendees. 
Membership fees can not be paid to the Institute's postgiro. Postgiro forms with the Föreningens postgiro number are handed out at the class.