5-bit Teletypewrite Code

Sources: Steven J Searle, A Brief History of Character Codes, Tom Jennings: ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Infiltration, Alan G Hobbs: Five-unit codes.


Binary value Hex value Letters Figures
00011 0x03 A -
11001 0x19 B ?
01110 0x0E C :
01001 0x09 D [WRU]
00001 0x01 E 3
01101 0x0D F n/a
11010 0x1A G n/a
10100 0x14 H n/a
00110 0x06 I 8
01011 0x0B J [BEL]
01111 0x0F K (
10010 0x12 L )
11100 0x1C M .
01100 0x0C N ,
11000 0x18 O 9
10110 0x16 P 0
10111 0x17 Q 1
01010 0x0A R 4
00101 0x05 S '
10000 0x10 T 5
00111 0x07 U 7
11110 0x1E V ;
10011 0x13 W 2
11101 0x1D X /
10101 0x15 Y 6
10001 0x11 Z +
00000 0x00 n/a n/a
01000 0x08 [CR] [CR]
00010 0x02 [LF] [LF]
00100 0x04 [SP] [SP]
11111 0x1F [LTRS] [LTRS]
11011 0x1B [FIGS] [FIGS]


Binary value Hex value Letters Figures
00011 0x03 A -
11001 0x19 B ?
01110 0x0E C :
01001 0x09 D $
00001 0x01 E 3
01101 0x0D F !
11010 0x1A G &
10100 0x14 H # or [STOP]
00110 0x06 I 8
01011 0x0B J '
01111 0x0F K (
10010 0x12 L )
11100 0x1C M .
01100 0x0C N ,
11000 0x18 O 9
10110 0x16 P 0
10111 0x17 Q 1
01010 0x0A R 4
00101 0x05 S [BEL]
10000 0x10 T 5
00111 0x07 U 7
11110 0x1E V ;
10011 0x13 W 2
11101 0x1D X /
10101 0x15 Y 6
10001 0x11 Z "
00000 0x00 n/a n/a
01000 0x08 [CR] [CR]
00010 0x02 [LF] [LF]
00100 0x04 [SP] [SP]
11111 0x1F [LTRS] [LTRS]
11011 0x1B [FIGS] [FIGS]

Whenever LTRS or FIGS is encountered in the binary stream, "codepage"/ "column" is switched respectively.