Recept search
These search engines will let you search alomst 4000 different
recipes. More information on howto search in the archive can be
found on the introduction-page.
Use the unit-conversion program to convert
the units given in the recipies to any units of your choice.
There are three different kinds of search-methods available:
Keywords search,
Title substring search and
Freetext substring search. More help below or
read the help-file.
Freetext substring search
Help on keyword search
Will let you search for recipes with one or more
keywords, always written in English.
All searches are case-insensitive.
Matches are found if all given keywords are contained within a
Preceed any keyword with "!" to not include it.
Wildcards "*" and "?" can be used in the normal sence.
Ex: "meat fruit"
All recipes with with keywords "Meat" and "fruit".
Ex: "meat fruit !garlic"
As above but not the recipes containing "garlic".
Help on title substring search
Will let you substring-search for a recipe-title in the database.
You can limit your search by optional giving recipe-language. Since
it's a substring search it's unessesary and wrong to use wildcards.
Help on freetext substring search
Here you can search for any arbitary words in the free-text of all
recipies, in Altavista-style.
These have the normal operation:
Paranteses: (, ).
Operators: AND, OR and NOT
Wildcard: *
NOTE: Operators must be UPPERCASE.
Ex: "duck AND garlic"
All recipies where the words duck and garlic appears.
Ex: "(selleri OR garlic) AND duck"
All recipies where duck appears and either selleri or garlic.
Ola Mårtensson:,
Emma Fernlund:,
(Time-stamp: <1998-03-11 02:25:58 thanisa>)