Recipies: T
Tabbouleh Salad with Chick Peas
garlic, lemon, main_course, mustard, parsley, salad, tomato, vegetable
chickpeas, garlic, lemon, main_course, mint, mustard, parsley, peas, salad, tomato, vegetable, vegetarian
cinnamon, lebanese, lemon, main_course, mint, parsley, tomato, vegetable, vegetarian
Tabouli or Taboolie
basil, cucumber, garlic, lemon, lettuce, mint, parsley, tomato, vegetable, vegetarian
basil, cucumber, garlic, lebanese, main_course, mint, parsley, salad, tomato, vegetable, vegetarian, vinegar
celery, lebanese, lemon, main_course, mint, parsley, salad, vegetable, vegetarian
Taco Pie
beef, cheese, chili, egg, main_course, meat, mexican, pastry, pie, tomato, vegetable
Taco Seasoning
caraway, chili, garlic, paprika, parsley
Tahini Sauce
garlic, sauce
Tahini Sprout Sandwich
mustard, sandwich, snack
Tamale Pie
caraway, chili, corn, main_course, meat, pastry, pie, vegetable
Tamarind Rice
caraway, chili, main_course, mustard, nuts, peanut, rice, vegetarian
Tamarind Water
beverage, mexican, tamarind
Tandoori Chicken
chicken, chili, coriander, garam_masala, garlic, ginger, indian, lemon, main_course, poultry, yoghurt
chicken, indian, main_course, poultry, yoghurt
Tangerine Curd
chutney, egg, lemon, sauce
Tapioca Soup
coriander, crab, fish, garlic, lettuce, main_course, meat, pork, shellfish, soup, tapioca, thai, vegetable
Tartar Sauce
chive, egg, lemon, mayonnaise, sauce
Tarte aux Mangues et Poires - Pears and mango pie
dessert, egg, fruit, mango, pastry, pear, pie, yoghurt
Tarte aux Tomates (Tomato Pie)
cheese, garlic, main_course, mayonnaise, pie, snack, tomato, vegetable
Tasty sausage
main_course, meat, mustard, parsley, tomato, vegetable
african, banana, cookies, fruit, pastry, snack
beans, bulgarian, main_course, paprika, stew, vegetable
Tea Liqueur
alcohol, beverage, tea, vodka
Tea Liqueur
alcohol, beverage, drinks
Tea Rings
cinnamon, cookies
Tempeh recipes
ginger, mushroom, sandwich, snack, tomato, vegetable, vegetarian
alcohol, cream, fish, fruit, garlic, lemon, main_course, orange, shellfish, shrimp
Teriyaki Chicken
chicken, garlic, ginger, main_course, poultry, rice, vinegar
Teriyaki Sauce
honey, sauce, vinegar
Teriyaki Sauce
alcohol, sake, sauce
Terrine de Lapin
alcohol, bacon, bay_leaf, chicken, fennel, main_course, meat, rabbit, stew, wine
Tetes De Violon a L'ail (Garlic-Flavoured Fiddleheads)
alcohol, cauliflower, garlic, main_course, vegetable, wine
cheese, chicken, italian, main_course, mushroom, noodle, parsley, poultry
alcohol, cheese, gratinerad, main_course, mushroom, nutmeg, paprika, pasta, poultry, turkey
Texas Brownies
brownies, chocolate, coffee, pastry
Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake
cake, chocolate, cinnamon, cookies, egg, pastry, vanilla
Texas Pecan Cake
cherry, coconut, cookies, dessert, fruit, nuts, pastry, pineapple
Texas Sheet Cake
cake, chocolate, cookies, egg, nuts, pastry, vanilla, walnut
Thai (mango) Sticky Rice
coconut, mango, rice, thai
Thai Barbecue Chicken
apricot, chicken, chili, cilantro, coconut, curry, fruit, garlic, main_course, poultry, thai, turmeric
Thai Barbecued Chicken
chicken, cilantro, curry, garlic, main_course, poultry, thai, turmeric
Thai Barbecued Chicken
chicken, cilantro, curry, garlic, main_course, poultry, thai, turmeric
Thai Barbecued Stuffed Prawns
chicken, coriander, cucumber, fish, garlic, main_course, poultry, shellfish, shrimp, thai, vegetable, vinegar
Thai Barbeque Marinade
garlic, ginger, honey, marinade, sauce, thai, wine
Thai Basil Chicken
basil, chicken, chili, garlic, main_course, poultry, thai
Thai Bbq Chicken Appetizer
chicken, chili, coconut, garlic, poultry, snack
Thai Carrot Soup
carrot, chili, first_course, garlic, ginger, main_course, soup, thai, vegetable, vegetarian
Thai Carrot Soup
carrot, cilantro, garlic, ginger, oil, soup, thai, vegetable
Thai Chicken And Coconut Milk Soup (Tom Ka Gai Or Kai Tom)
chicken, chili, coconut, first_course, lemongrass, lime, main_course, poultry, soup, thai
Thai Chicken Coconut Soup
carrot, chicken, chili, cilantro, coconut, lemongrass, lime, main_course, mushroom, poultry, soup, thai, tofu
Thai Chicken Fettuccine Salad
chicken, chili, fruit, ginger, lettuce, main_course, nuts, orange, pasta, peanut, poultry, salad, thai, vegetable
Thai Chicken Salad
basil, beans, chicken, chili, cucumber, lemongrass, main_course, mint, nutmeg, peanut, poultry, salad, thai, vegetable
Thai Chicken Salad
chicken, chili, nuts, peanut, poultry, salad, thai, vinegar
Thai Chicken Salad
basil, beans, chicken, chili, cucumber, ginger, lemongrass, lime, main_course, mint, nutmeg, nuts, peanut, poultry, salad, thai, vegetable, wonton
Thai Chicken Salad
chicken, chili, cilantro, garlic, main_course, mint, mushroom, nuts, peanut, poultry, rice, salad, spinach, thai, vegetable, vinegar
Thai Chicken With Fresh Basil
basil, chicken, chili, garlic, main_course, poultry, thai
Thai Chicken and Coconut Soup
chicken, chili, cilantro, coconut, lemongrass, lime, main_course, poultry, soup, thai
Thai Chicken in LemonGrass and Chili
chicken, chili, garlic, lemongrass, main_course, poultry, thai
Thai Chicken with Rice
chicken, chili, garlic, ginger, main_course, nuts, oil, peanut, peas, poultry, rice, thai, vegetable
Thai Chicken
chicken, chili, ginger, honey, main_course, poultry, thai
Thai Chicken
chicken, chili, ginger, honey, main_course, nuts, peanut, poultry, thai
Thai Chili Fish Sauce
chili, cilantro, garlic, lime, sauce, thai
Thai Coconut Chicken
chicken, chili, cilantro, coconut, galangal, lime, main_course, mushroom, poultry, soup, thai
Thai Coconut Soup
carrot, chicken, chili, coconut, first_course, ginger, lemon, lemongrass, main_course, mushroom, poultry, soup, thai, vegetable
Thai Country-style Steamed Fish in Garlic Lime Sauce
cilantro, fish, garlic, lemongrass, lime, main_course, thai
Thai Cucumber Salad
chili, cucumber, fish, lime, nuts, peanut, salad, shellfish, shrimp, thai, vegetable
Thai Curry Chicken and Vegetables
alcohol, broccoli, carrot, cayenne, chicken, chili, coconut, curry, garlic, ginger, main_course, poultry, rice, thai, vegetable, wine
Thai Curry Spice Paste
caraway, cayenne, chili, coriander, curry, garlic, ginger, lemon, thai
Thai Curry
bambooshoot, basil, chicken, coconut, corn, curry, lime, main_course, mushroom, poultry, thai, vegetable
Thai Fish Cakes
beans, chili, curry, egg, fish, garlic, main_course, shellfish, shrimp, thai, vegetable
Thai Fish Curry
cilantro, clam, coconut, cumin, fish, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, main_course, rice, shellfish, thai, turmeric
Thai Fried Noodles - Pad Thai
beans, chili, coriander, egg, lemon, lime, main_course, noodle, nuts, pasta, peanut, thai, vegetable, vegetarian
Thai Fried Noodles
beans, chili, coriander, cucumber, fish, garlic, lime, main_course, noodle, nuts, pasta, peanut, shellfish, shrimp, thai, vegetable, vinegar
Thai Fried Rice
beans, chili, cucumber, egg, garlic, ginger, lime, main_course, mint, parsley, rice, thai, vegetable
Thai Fried Rice
broccoli, coriander, cucumber, garlic, lime, main_course, mushroom, rice, thai, vegetable
Thai Fruit and Shrimp Salad (Yam Polamai)
chili, fish, fruit, garlic, lime, nuts, peanut, salad, shellfish, shrimp, thai
Thai Garlic Prawns
coriander, fish, garlic, main_course, shellfish, shrimp, thai
Thai Ginger Soup
chicken, first_course, ginger, lemon, main_course, poultry, soup, thai
Thai Glass Noodles (Yam Woon Sen)
chicken, chili, coriander, fish, lettuce, lime, noodle, pasta, poultry, salad, shellfish, shrimp, thai, vegetable
Thai Green Curry Chicken with Basil
basil, chicken, chili, coconut, curry, eggplant, galangal, lime, main_course, poultry, thai, vegetable
Thai Green Curry Paste
chili, coriander, cumin, curry, galangal, garlic, lemongrass, lime, thai
Thai Grilled Beef Salad
beef, coriander, garlic, lettuce, main_course, meat, salad, thai, tomato, vegetable
Thai Ham and Chicken Salad
almond, cabbage, carrot, chicken, chili, garlic, ham, lime, meat, poultry, salad, thai, vegetable
Thai Hens
cayenne, chicken, cilantro, garlic, lemon, main_course, poultry, thai
Thai Honey Chicken
chicken, chili, garlic, honey, main_course, poultry, thai
Thai Hot and Sour Shrimp Soup
chili, cilantro, first_course, fish, lemongrass, lime, main_course, mushroom, shellfish, shrimp, soup, thai
Thai Iced Coffee
beverage, cardamom, coffee, coriander, thai
Thai Iced Coffee
beverage, coffee, thai
Thai Iced Coffee
beverage, coffee, thai
Thai Iced Tea
Thai Lemongrass Chicken
chicken, chili, coconut, garlic, lemongrass, main_course, nuts, peanut, poultry, thai
Thai Mini Spring Rolls
beans, carrot, coriander, first_course, fish, garlic, lettuce, meat, mint, mushroom, noodle, pasta, pork, shellfish, shrimp, snack, thai, vegetable
Thai Noddles with Seafood
basil, chili, fish, garlic, main_course, noodle, pasta, shellfish, shrimp, squid, thai
Thai Nua Yang Nam Tok (Waterfall Beef)
beef, chili, coriander, lime, meat, mint, thai
Thai Pad Thai (Stir Fried Noddles)
beans, egg, fish, garlic, main_course, noodle, nuts, pasta, peanut, radish, shellfish, shrimp, tamarind, thai, vegetable
Thai Peanut Sauce
caraway, chili, nuts, peanut, sauce, thai, vegetarian
Thai Pomelo and Chicken Salad
chicken, chili, coriander, first_course, fruit, grapefruit, lettuce, lime, nuts, peanut, pomelo, poultry, salad, vegetable
Thai Pomelo and Chicken Salad
chicken, chili, coriander, fruit, lettuce, lime, main_course, nuts, peanut, pomelo, poultry, salad, thai
Thai Pork Satay
bambooshoot, coconut, curry, lime, main_course, meat, pork, thai, vegetable
Thai Pork Satay
appertizer, coconut, curry, first_course, lime, meat, pork, thai, turmeric
Thai Pork Satay
appertizer, coconut, curry, first_course, lime, meat, pork, thai, turmeric
Thai Red Chicken Curry
basil, chicken, curry, main_course, poultry, squash, thai, vegetable
Thai Red Curry Paste
chili, coriander, curry, fennel, galangal, garlic, lemongrass, lime, thai
Thai Rice noodles with Collant Greens
chicken, garlic, noodle, pasta, poultry, thai
Thai Salad Dressing
cayenne, coriander, dressing, garlic, lemon, nuts, peanut, sauce, thai
Thai Satay with Spicy Peanut Sauce
chicken, chili, cilantro, coconut, coriander, curry, galangal, garlic, lemongrass, lime, main_course, nuts, peanut, poultry, thai
Thai Satay
appertizer, beef, garlic, lemon, meat, thai
Thai Sausage - Chiang Mai Style
chili, cilantro, galangal, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, lime, main_course, meat, pork, thai
Thai Seafood Casserole with Basil
basil, chili, coriander, crab, cuttle_fish, fish, garlic, ginger, main_course, noodle, pasta, shellfish, shrimp, thai
Thai Shrimp and Chicken Soup
chicken, chili, coriander, first_course, fish, garlic, main_course, mushroom, parsley, poultry, rice, shellfish, shrimp, soup, thai
Thai Shrimp with Asparagus
asparagus, first_course, fish, garlic, main_course, mushroom, shellfish, shrimp, thai, vegetable
Thai Shrimp with Asparagus
asparagus, fish, garlic, main_course, mushroom, shellfish, shrimp, thai, vegetable
Thai Simmered Chicken
basil, chicken, chili, coriander, galangal, garlic, lemongrass, lime, main_course, poultry, thai
Thai Soup for Marty
cayenne, chicken, chili, coriander, first_course, galangal, lemon, lemongrass, main_course, mint, mushroom, poultry, soup, thai, tomato
Thai Spicy Noodles
chicken, egg, fish, garlic, lime, main_course, noodle, nuts, pasta, peanut, poultry, shellfish, shrimp, thai, tomato, vegetable
Thai Spicy Sausage (Sai Grog)
appertizer, coriander, lemongrass, lime, main_course, meat, pork, sausage, thai
Thai Sticky Rice
dessert, first_course, main_course, rice, thai
Thai Stuffed Tomatoes
coriander, crab, first_course, fish, garlic, main_course, meat, pork, shellfish, thai, tomato, vegetable
Thai Style Tempe with Carrot and Basil
basil, carrot, chili, garlic, main_course, thai
Thai Sweet Chili Sauce
chili, garlic, lime, paprika, sauce, thai, vinegar
Thai Sweet Rice with Mangoes
breakfast, coconut, dessert, fruit, mango, rice, thai, vegetarian
Thai Tomato Fish Soup
coconut, coriander, curry, first_course, fish, lemon, main_course, soup, thai, tomato
Thai Turkey Bites
appertizer, chili, cucumber, curry, lime, poultry, thai, turkey, vegetable
Thai Vegetarian Noodles
beans, broccoli, celery, garlic, main_course, mint, mushroom, noodle, nuts, pasta, peanut, peas, thai, vegetable, vinegar
Thai fish
cabbage, chili, coconut, coriander, curry, fish, ginger, lemon, lemongrass, main_course, thai, vegetable
Thai-like Green Curry
anise, beans, cardamom, chili, cilantro, coriander, cumin, curry, garlic, thai, turmeric, vegetable
Thai-style Marinade
bay_leaf, cilantro, fruit, garlic, ginger, honey, lemon, marinade, orange, thai
Thaistyle Seafood Casserole with Basil
alcohol, basil, casserole, chili, coriander, crab, fish, garlic, ginger, main_course, noodle, pasta, shellfish, shrimp, squid, thai, wine
The Best Beef Stew
alcohol, beef, beer, main_course, meat, mushroom, parsley, stew, tomato, vegetable
The Best Beef Stew
beef, main_course, meat, mushroom, oregano, parsley, tomato, vegetable
The Hundred Dollar Chocolate Cake
cake, chocolate, pastry
The Now (in)Famous $250.00 Neiman Marcus Cookie
chocolate, cookies, nuts, oat, pastry
The Punchbowl
banana, beverage, cranberry, fruit, orange, pineapple, strawberry
The Real Sex in a Pan
candy, chocolate, nuts, pastry
The Ultimate Barbeque Sauce
alcohol, cardamom, cayenne, chili, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, fruit, garlic, mustard, orange, sauce, tomato, vegetable, vinegar, wine
The Ultimate Chocolate Brownie Cookie
brownies, chocolate, nuts, pastry
Thick Cheese Soup
carrot, celery, cheese, chicken, main_course, poultry, soup, vegetable
Thick Cheese Soup
alcohol, celery, cheese, dill, first_course, main_course, soup, vegetable, wine
Thot Man Khaophot - fried corn cakes
chili, corn, cucumber, curry, egg, nuts, pastry, peanut, thai, vegetable, vinegar
Thumbprint Cookies
cookies, egg, nuts, pastry, vanilla
fish, japanese, main_course
Timberline's French Silk Pie
chocolate, coffee, dessert, french, nuts, pastry, pie
Tirami Su
alcohol, cheese, chocolate, coffee, dessert, egg, italian, vanilla
alcohol, chocolate, coffee, dessert, italian
alcohol, cheese, chocolate, coffee, dessert, italian
Tjusarkyckling (Chicken Thai)
chicken, chili, cream, garlic, main_course, poultry, thai
Toasted Almond Truffles
almond, candy, chocolate, dessert
Toasted Butter Pecan Cake
cookies, dessert, egg, nuts, pastry, vanilla
Toasty Walnut Muffins
cinnamon, egg, muffins, nuts, oat, pastry, raisin, walnut
Tofu "Lunch Meat"
sandwich, snack, tofu
Tofu Cheesecake
dessert, egg, honey, lemon, pastry, tofu, vanilla
Tofu Cheesecake
cheese, dessert, egg, honey, lemon, pastry, tofu, vanilla
Tofu Cheesecake
cookies, dessert, lemon, pastry, tofu, vanilla, vegetarian
Tofu Chocolate Mousse
chocolate, coffee, dessert, fruit, jelly, orange, tofu, vanilla
Tofu Dip and Tofu Steaks
alcohol, main_course, tofu, vegetarian
Tofu Marinated in Sesame Oil and Rice Vinegar with Scallions
tofu, vegetarian
Tofu Recipes
main_course, tofu, vegetarian
Tofu Sauce
chili, cilantro, dip, nuts, peanut, sauce, thai, vinegar
Tofu Soup with Lemongrass
appertizer, cilantro, first_course, galangal, lemongrass, lime, mushroom, soup, thai, tofu
Tofu Soup
appertizer, cabbage, celery, cilantro, first_course, garlic, soup, thai, tofu, vegetable, vegetarian
Tofu in Black Bean Sauce
beans, garlic, ginger, main_course, tofu, vegetable, vegetarian
caraway, coriander, garlic, main_course, parsley, tofu, vegetarian
Toll House Chocolate Chip Pie
chocolate, dessert, nuts, pastry, pie
Toll House Cookies
chocolate, cookies, pastry
Toll House Cookies
chocolate, cookies, egg, pastry, vanilla
Toll House Pie
chocolate, cream, dessert, egg, nuts, pastry, pie, walnut
Tollhouse Cookies
chocolate, cookies, glutenfree, nuts, pastry, potato, roots, vanilla, vegetable
Tom Kha Kai
chicken, chili, coconut, coriander, first_course, galangal, lemongrass, lime, main_course, poultry, soup, thai
Tom Stewart's Barbecue Sauce
mustard, sauce, tomato, vegetable, vinegar
Tom Yam Goong (Thai Hot and Sour Soup)
chili, cilantro, first_course, fish, lemongrass, lime, main_course, mushroom, shellfish, shrimp, soup, thai, tomato, vegetable
Tom Yam Kung - Prawn soup with Lemongrass
chili, coriander, first_course, fish, ginger, lemongrass, lime, main_course, mushroom, shellfish, shrimp, soup, thai
Tom Yum (Hot and Sour Soup)
chili, coriander, first_course, lemongrass, lime, main_course, mushroom, soup, thai
Tom Yum Gai
chicken, chili, coriander, first_course, galangal, garlic, lemon, lemongrass, main_course, poultry, soup, thai
Tom Yum Goong (Hot and Sour Soup)
chili, coriander, first_course, fish, ginger, lemon, lemongrass, lime, mushroom, shellfish, shrimp, soup, thai
Tom Yum Kang
chili, coriander, fish, lemongrass, lime, main_course, mushroom, shellfish, shrimp, soup, thai
Tom Yum Kung
chili, coriander, first_course, fish, lemongrass, lime, main_course, shellfish, shrimp, soup, squid, thai
Tom Yum
chicken, chili, lemongrass, lime, mushroom, poultry, soup, thai
Tom's Spicy Lentil Thang
basil, lentil, main_course, oregano, potato, vegetable, vegetarian
Tomato Cheese Filling
cheese, egg, parsley, sandwich, tomato, vegetable
Tomato Cucumber Feta Salad
basil, cheese, cucumber, first_course, garlic, main_course, salad, tomato, vegetable, vinegar
Tomato Garlic Pasta Salad
basil, bay_leaf, garlic, main_course, oregano, parsley, pasta, salad, tomato, vegetable
Tomato Garlic Pasta Salad
basil, bay_leaf, garlic, oregano, parsley, pasta, salad, tomato, vegetable, vegetarian
Tomato Honey Chutney
apple, dip, fruit, honey, mustard, pear, raisin, sauce, tomato, vegetable, vinegar
Tomato Omelet
caraway, chili, coriander, garlic, indian, tomato, vegetable
Tomato Rice
chili, main_course, mustard, rice, tomato, vegetable, vegetarian
Tomato Salad
cheese, garlic, salad, tomato, vegetable
Tomato-Basil Pasta Sauce
basil, garlic, main_course, pasta, tomato, vegetable, vegetarian
garlic, ginger, main_course, sauce, tomato, vegetable
Toms Fish Chowder
clam, fish, lemon, main_course, potato, roots, shellfish, shrimp, vegetable
Tortilla Espanola
egg, main_course, parsley, potato, roots, spanish, vegetable
Tortilla Espanola
egg, potato, roots, snack, spanish, vegetable
Tortilla Paisana
asparagus, egg, ham, main_course, meat, paprika, peas, potato, roots, snack, vegetable
Tortilla de Patata Jose Luis
egg, first_course, main_course, potato, roots, spanish, vegetable
main_course, potato, roots, vegetable, vegetarian
Tournedos med madeirasås och gorgonzolagratinerade kronärskocksbottnar
alcohol, artichoke, beef, blue_cheese, chive, gratinerad, main_course, meat, potato, roots, tomato, vegetable, wine
Tourte de Noel
canadian, main_course, meat, pastry, pie, pork, potato, roots, vegetable
cinnamon, garlic, main_course, meat, pie, pork
Tourtihre Leboutillier
beef, canadian, main_course, meat, pastry, pie, pork
Tourtihre de Fleur-Ange
canadian, celery, cinnamon, clove, garlic, main_course, meat, parsley, pastry, pie, pork, vegetable
Tourtihre de Quibec
bay_leaf, canadian, celery, cinnamon, main_course, meat, nutmeg, pastry, pie, pork, rosemary, vegetable
Tourtihre de Saguenay
canadian, cinnamon, main_course, meat, pastry, pie, pork, potato, roots, vegetable
canadian, clove, garlic, main_course, meat, pastry, pie, pork
Traceys Tofu Lasagne
cheese, main_course, mushroom, pasta
Trader Joe's Heroic Baklava
cinnamon, clove, dessert, honey, lemon, nuts, pastry, walnut
Trailside Oatmeal Cookies
chocolate, cookies, nuts, oat, pastry, peanut, vanilla
Trekker Bars
candy, egg, fruit, nuts, oat, orange, pastry, walnut
Tres Leches
alcohol, cake, cream, dessert, egg, mexican, pastry, rum, vanilla
Triple Crown Pie
cheese, chocolate, dessert, nuts, pastry, pie
Triple Layer Cookie Bars
chocolate, coconut, cookies, nuts, pastry
Triple Rich Chocolate Squares
candy, cheese, chocolate, cookies, pastry
Tropical Gingerbread
cinnamon, coconut, cookies, egg, ginger, pastry
Tropical Itch
alcohol, beverage, drinks, fruit, lime, passionfruit
Tropical Mango and Macademia Salsa with Tomatoes and Lime
cayenne, chili, coriander, fruit, lime, mango, mint, nuts, tomato, vegetable
Tropical Toast
breakfast, cinnamon, coconut, dessert, egg, fruit, mango, pineapple, sandwich
candy, chocolate, pastry
alcohol, candy, chocolate, coffee, cream, pastry, rum, vanilla
cucumber, garlic, greek, main_course, sauce, vegetable
Tuna Anchovy Pasta
anchovy, fish, garlic, main_course, mayonnaise, pasta, tomato, tuna, vegetable
Tuna Stirfry
alcohol, carrot, fish, garlic, lemon, main_course, swordfish, tuna, vegetable, wine
Tuna Tetrazzini
cheese, fish, main_course, mushroom, tuna
Tuna and White Wine Pasta Sauce
alcohol, fish, main_course, pasta, tuna, wine
Tuna and White Wine Pasta Sauce
fish, main_course, pasta, tuna, wine
egg, first_course, fish, lemon, tuna
Turkey Burgers
main_course, mustard, poultry, turkey
Turkey Chili
beans, caraway, chili, garlic, main_course, poultry, tomato, turkey, vegetable
Turkey Chili
bay_leaf, caraway, chili, cinnamon, garlic, main_course, poultry, tomato, turkey, vegetable
Turkey Corn Casserole
cheese, chili, garlic, main_course, olives, pasta, pastry, pie, poultry, tomato, turkey, vegetable
Turkey Meat Sauce for Spaghetti
alcohol, basil, carrot, celery, garlic, main_course, oregano, parsley, pasta, poultry, tomato, turkey, vegetable, wine
Turkey Relleno Casserole
cheese, chili, egg, garlic, gratin, main_course, poultry, tomato, turkey, vegetable, zucchini
Turkish Meatballs
carrot, ground_meat, lemon, main_course, meat, parsley, potato, rice, roots, turkish, vegetable
Turkish Yogurt
cucumber, garlic, sauce, turkish, vegetable, yoghurt
Turnip and Onion Casserole
alcohol, cheese, egg, gratin, main_course, pastry, wine
Turtle Brownies
brownies, chocolate, egg, nuts, pastry, vanilla
Turtle Brownies
brownies, chocolate, nuts, pastry
Twice Baked Potatoes
cheese, main_course, mushroom, paprika, roots, vegetable
Twice Baked Potatoes
cheese, main_course, mushroom, potato, roots, vegetable
Twice Baked Potatoes
cheese, garlic, main_course, paprika, potato, roots, vegetable
Twinkie Trifle
cream, dessert, fruit, strawberry
cake, egg, lemon, pastry, vanilla
Two Salads
bacon, broccoli, cauliflower, fish, main_course, meat, pasta, pork, raisin, salad, tuna, vegetable
241 recipies
Ola Mårtensson:,
Emma Fernlund:,
(Last updated: 980409 thanisa)