FuhQuake Homepage : http://www.fuhquake.net/ FuhQuake Autor : A Nourai aka 'fuh' (#fuhquake on Quakenet irc) FuhQuake Forum : http://www.fuhquake.net/forum/ View this text file with a width that fits in at least 105 characters. FuhQuake -------- FuhQuake is written by fuh. FuhQuake is derived from zquake which is in turn derived from the quakeworld source released by ID1. The FuhQuake homepage is at http://www.fuhquake.net/ . FuhQuake should be distributed with definitely: 1. At least one of the following binaries a) fuhquake-gl.exe (Win32 GL) b) fuhquake.exe (Win32 Soft) c) fuhquake.x11 (Linux Soft x11) d) fuhquake.svga (Linux Soft svgalib) e) fuhquake.glx (Linux GLX) 2. fuhquake.txt (this file) 3. gnu.txt and probably 4. Some documentation 5. qw/qwprogs.dat qw/spprogs.dat qw/fragfile.dat . 6. Some miscellaneous textures and pak files. People are welcome to redistribute FuhQuake themselves, but it would be nice if items 1-3 were all included in the distribution together. In fact it is technical legality that the licence gnu.txt is distributed with the binaries. It would also be nice if there were a visible link to 'http://www.fuhquake.net/' on any webpage that refers to FuhQuake or provides a link for downloading FuhQuake. Installation Notes ------------------ Most people can skip straight to step 2. STEP 1 You need id1/pak0.pak installed by the original ID's Quake. If you do not have a copy of Quake, the shareware version will do. You can download id's shareware version of Quake 1 from here : http://www.fuhquake.net/files/misc/quake-shareware.zip . The id1/pak1.pak is also important but not necessary. This can only be obtained from the full version of Quake made by ID Software. STEP2 For a quick installation: Simply unzip the FuhQuake zip into your quake folder and run fuhquake-gl.exe (or fuhquake.exe). Press escape to bring up the menu and start a single player game! For a complete installation: Following the step by step guide at http://www.fuhquake.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2 . Source Code ----------- FuhQuake is an open source project. You can download the source from the 'Files and Links' section at www.fuhquake.net . You need libpng and libjpeg to compile the OpenGL version of FuhQuake. libpng can be obtained from http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html and libjpeg can be obtained from http://www.ijg.org/ . If for some reason the source on the webpage is out of date, or you require the source for an older version of FuhQuake, please email me at fuh@fuhquake.net . The win32 project files supplied with FuhQuake require Microsoft's Visual Studio.Net . You can undefine WITH_PNG, WITH_JPEG, WITH_XMMS, WITH_DGA and/or WITH_VMODE if you don't have the required libraries. Licence and Warranty -------------------- FuhQuake is released under the GNU GPL licence. There is no warranty attached with using FuhQuake. Read gnu.txt for details on the licence. Credits ------- See http://www.fuhquake.net/ . Contacting Author ----------------- If you want to request a feature to be added into FuhQuake or to report a bug, you can contact fuh through the FuhQuake forum http://www.fuhquake.net/forum/ . Fuh can also be emailed at fuh@fuhquake.net, or found on Quakenet irc in #fuhquake . Fuh 20/09/2003