FuhQuake Homepage : http://www.fuhquake.net/ FuhQuake Autor : A Nourai aka 'fuh' (#fuhquake na Quakenet irc) FuhQuake Forum : http://www.fuhquake.net/forum/ -------------- CONFIG MANAGER -------------- See http://www.fuhquake.net/files/misc/fuh.cfg for an example. ----------- A. COMMANDS ----------- 1. cfg_save ---------------------- This command will dump all aliases, bindings, plus commands, msg_triggers, teamplay settings and variables to filename.cfg . User made variables (created with set/seta) are saved as well. Note : configs saved with cfg_save are saved in quake/fuhquake/configs/*.cfg 2. cfg_reset ------------ This command will unbind all keys, delete all aliases, delete all msg_triggers, reset all plus commands, reset all teamplay settings and reset all variables. User made variables (created with set/seta) are deleted. After resetting all the above, it executes default.cfg and then autoexec.cfg . 3. cfg_load ---------------------- This will firstly do a cfg_reset and then execute filename.cfg. ------------ B. VARIABLES ------------ 1. cfg_save_unchanged (default is 1) ------------------------------------ 'cfg_save_unchanged 1' makes cfg_save write all variables to the config file. 'cfg_save_unchanged 0' makes cfg_save only write variables that are not default valued to the config file. 2. cfg_save_userinfo (default is 2) ----------------------------------- 'cfg_save_userinfo 2' makes cfg_save save all userinfo variables like name/team/teamcolor/rate/msg/skin/w_switch/b_switch/... . 'cfg_save_userinfo 1' makes cfg_save save all userinfo variables except spectator/name/topcolor/bottomcolor/skin/team . 'cfg_save_userinfo 0' makes cfg_save not save userinfo variables. Note : 'cfg_save_userinfo 1' is best for teamfortress so you dont get kicked for changing bottom color. Note : cfg_save will never save the password variable, even though technically it is a userinfo variable. 3. cfg_save_aliases (default is 1) ---------------------------------- Toggles whether cfg_save saves aliases. 4. cfg_save_binds (default is 1) ---------------------------------- Toggles whether cfg_save saves binds. 5. cfg_save_cmds (default is 1) ---------------------------------- Toggles whether cfg_save saves commands. 6. cfg_save_cvars (default is 1) ---------------------------------- Toggles whether cfg_save saves variables. 7. cfg_legacy_write (default 0) ------------------------------- 'cfg_legacy_write 1' will write a small config.cfg to your gamedir when quitting just like qw 2.33. 'cfg_legacy_write 0' will not write config.cfg. 8. cfg_legacy_exec (default 1) ------------------------------ 'cfg_legacy_exec 0' = Do not execute config.cfg and frontend.cfg in gamedir ever. 'cfg_legacy_exec 1' = Execute config.cfg and frontend.cfg in gamedir (unless gamedir = qw) like qw 2.33. 'cfg_legacy_exec 2' = Execute config.cfg and frontend.cfg even if gamedir = qw. 'cfg_legacy_exec 3' = Execute config.cfg and frontend.cfg even if gamedir = qw. If there is no config.cfg or frontend.cfg in gamedir, and gamedir != qw then try executing config.cfg and frontend.cfg in qw. 9. cfg_save_cmdline (default 1) ------------------------------- Writes your command line in configs made with cfg_save (commented out of course). 10. cfg_save_sysinfo -------------------- Not implemented yet. 11. cfg_backup (default 0) -------------------------- Backs up your old config before overwriting it with cfg_save. For example, 'cfg_save fuh' will backup fuh.cfg to fuh.bak and then update fuh.cfg .