FAQ For Version 0.30 Build 570 & Build 585 ------------------------------------------ Q1 The new particles aren't working for me even though I have set all gl_part_* variables to 1. A1 Make sure you install the fuhquake/pak0.pak file that came with FuhQuake ! Q2 What happened to FuhQuake v0.29? A2 What you talkin 'bout Willis? Q3 Why is my water all blury when spectating or watching demos? A3 Use r_wateralpha 1 to turn off wateralpha (because you don't have a water vis'd map). You can try r_novis 1 if you want wateralpha, but this may be slow. Q4 How do I add/remove the "FPS" in the show_fps display. How do I add/remove the "SPD" in the show_speed display. A4 Try show_fps 1 and 2. Similarly for show_speed. Q5 How do I move the show_fps/show_speed displays? A5 Play with show_fps_x and show_fps_y (try negative and positive values). Do the same with show_speed_x and show_speed_y. Q6 Why are the r_fastturb 1 or r_max_size_1 colours different? A6 There's nothing you can do about this in Build 575. In build 585 you can use 'r_max_size_1 2' to use the old style r_max_size_1 colours. Q7 Why is my sound different? A7 You probably have '+set s_khz 44' on the command line. In Earlier FuhQuake versions, there was a bug that made this not work. Now it works. If you don't like it them remove it from your command line. Q8 How do I get the old scoreboard style back? A8 Use an older version of FuhQuake. If you use GL, remember that you can use scr_scoreboard_fillalpha, scr_scoreboard_fillcolor to customise the scoreboard somewhat. There is also scr_scoreboard_drawtitle for both software and GL. In build 585 there is scr_scoreboard_borderless to remove the black lines on the outside of the scoreboard. Q9 How do I get auto recording and/or screenshots to work? A9 Read http://www.fuhquake.net/doc/match_tools.txt . Q10 Howcome my charset isn't working anymore? It worked in earlier versions. A10 Put your charset.png in qw/ (or fuhquake/). qw/textures/ (or fuhquake/textures) won't do!. Q11 Howcome my conback isn't working anymore? It worked in earlier versions. A11 Put your conback.png in qw/gfx/ (or fuhquake/gfx/). qw/textures/gfx/ (or fuhquake/textures/gfx/) won't work anymore!. Q12 Howcome gl_picmip/gl_max_size is affecting my health, ammo, and other models? It didn't in earlier versions of FuhQuake. A12 Use gl_picmip_all 0 before loading the map. Q13 How do I get stats in my scoreboard? A13 i) If you play teamfortress, you need a TF fragfile. Get it from http://www.fuhquake.net/links.htm . If you play DM, skip this step. ii) Make sure you have cl_parseFrags, cl_loadFragfiles, and scr_scoreboard_showfrags all set to 1 before loading any map. iii) You need a pretty big -conwidth (600, maybe 512) to fit in all the stats. Q14 How do I load half-life maps? A14 Put the half-life .bsp maps in qw/maps. Put the half-life .wad's the map needs in qw/textures/halflife/ (if you are unsure what .wad's you need, FuhQuake will tell you which .wad's are missing when you try to load the map). Type '/map ' to load the map (Not all half-life maps can be loaded!). Q15 How to I disable .lit's in v0.30 ? A15 Use gl_loadlitfiles 0 and reload the map. Q16 Why did you remove gl_conrotate, gl_waterfog, pushlatency? A16 Voices in my head told me to remove 3 variables. I picked them randomly. Seriously: I removed gl_conrotate to make way for a conback slide show. There will be an improved gl_waterfog sometime in the future. Pushlatency isn't needed. FuhQuake will automatically use the best setting for you. Q17 I'm trying to 24bit texture some maps, but FuhQuake won't reload the textures without being restarted. This didn't happen in earlier versions. A17 FuhQuake v0.30 doesn't re-read the texture from disk the second (or later) time you load a map. This is for speed. To disable this behaviour, use the -forceTextureReload command line parameter.