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Some links to other web sites which may be useful for you!

redball.gif (326 bytes) Take a look at the weather forecast with Yahoo Weather Forecast.                                     hafez.gif (4065 bytes)

redball.gif (326 bytes)Are you looking for a home? Take look at Bovision.

redball.gif (326 bytes)Are you interested in romance and horoscope?                                                                 

redball.gif (326 bytes)Iranian News Agency Home page IRNA.

redball.gif (326 bytes)Send a electronic greeting with Blue Mountain.

redball.gif (326 bytes)Here you can also read about Sweden and studing in Sweden .

Some Swedish TV Channels:

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SVT 1 & 2             TV 3                          TV 4                       Kanal 5                    TV 6                         Z TV 

Search pages:

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