Using Control Beans

This chapter tells you how to use the components included in the Control Beans package to create a GUI for a control application.


Before we start there are a few concepts we would like you to familiarize yourself with.

Quick start: A walk-through using NetBeans Developer.

Just a note before we start... As NetBeans Developer is constantly refined our screenshots may have grown a bit out of date.

We will now show how to make a simple GUI application to show the basics of how to use the Control Beans package. We will assume that you have NetBeans Developer installed somewhere on your system and that you have also installed the Control Beans package as described in the chapter Installing. The application will contain a communicator, a slider, a bar gauge and a button. As the work progresses you should every now and then take a peek in the Editor window and see what code NetBeans is adding.

Starting NetBeans Developer

When you have started NetBeans, you should have a screen looking something like this. The windows are (from top to bottom and left to right): Main window; Explorer; Editor; Component Inspector; Output window. Don't worry if not all of them are showing. Also, NetBeans' appearance may differ some from that used in our examples. We have used the Metal (standard Swing) - Look & Feel (this can be set in the "View" menu).

Selecting a folder to work in.

Create a directory where you want to create this example. The files won't be particularly large (less then 100 kbytes) so you can place it just about anywhere.
In the explorer window, right click "Repository" and select "Add Directory".
A file choice dialog will appear. Select the directory you created and click "Mount".
If you click the blue dot at the left of "Repository", it should expand to show the full contents of the repository. At the bottom, your folder should be displayed (with a little hard drive symbol and it's full name).
NetBeans' repository after adding a directory
Your folder can later be removed from the repository by right clicking it and selecting "Remove from repository".

If you try to expand your folder by clicking its blue dot you will see that it's empty (provided you didn't use some old folder with files in it).

Creating a new form.

A form is a sort of "canvas" where you place your components. In the Explorer window, select your folder and right click it. Select the following menuitem(s): "Add from template | SwingForms | JFrame". A dialog prompting you for a name will appear. Give the form the name "Tutorial". The form will then appear, looking something like this:
An empty form
An empty form. The rectangles represent the different areas of a FlowLayout.

This shows an empty JFrame with a BorderLayout. If you expand your folder in the Explorer window it should look like this.

Adding components.

On the component palette, click the "Control Beans" tab. Then click the symbol for TCP/IP communicator (looks like a little cellular phone). Click on the center of the form. This will place a TCP/IP Communicator on the form, making it look like this (you may need to make it bigger, works like any other window in that respect):
A form with a TCP/IP Communicator NetBeans' Component Inspector
The form after the TCP/IP Communicator has been added. Components being added to the form are also shown in the Component Inspector.

Add a CSlider (it looks a bit funny, we'll get back to that) to the left of the Communicator and a CBarGauge to the right. Finally add a CButton below them all. All of these components can be found on the Control Beans tab. The result looks something like this:

A form with the slider and bar gauge added
The form with all the components.

Changing properties of the components.

To change the properties of the slider to vertical instead of horizontal go to the Component Inspector window. Select the icon for the slider and the tab "properties" at the bottom. Scroll down until you find the property "orientation". As you can see it is set to "HORIZONTAL". Now click on it and a down arrow and a pull down menu will appear allowing you to change the value to "VERTICAL". When you have done this the slider in the form changes its orientation.
Horizontal slider Changing the properties of the slider Vertical slider
The slider before changing its orientation.
The Component Inspector. The properties for cSlider1 are being displayed.
The slider after changing its orientation.

Select the different components and scroll through their properties to get a feel of what can be modified. Change the following properties:

Horizontal gap 10
Vertical gap 10

Variable Name aCommunicator

tag 42
Variable Name aGauge

majorTickSpacing 20
minorTickSpacing 10
paintLabels TRUE
paintTicks TRUE
tag 42
Variable Name aSlider

text Quit
Variable Name aQuitButton

Connecting components.

Now all the components have been laid out on the form but if you compile and run the program, nothing special will happen. We must connect the components to the communicator. This is how it is done:
Connecting, selecting event to send Connecting, selecting target method Connecting, selecting parameter
Selecting which event the event to be sent.
Selecting how to receive it.
Which text to type is given in the options for NetBeans. "evt" is the default.

Adding some custom code.

We want the program to end when we click the Quit button. For that we are going to use the command System.exit().

Compiling and running.

Now, the program should be ready to run. Press the "Execute" button to start the program. The "Execute" button
Wait for the program to be saved and compiled. It should then start and look something like this:
The finished application
The finished application.

If you drag the slider and let go of it, you will see how the bar gauge follows. This is because they have the same tag (their tags are set to "42").

Running the application Running the application Running the application

If you press the Quit button, the program will close. And there you have it, your first Control Beans application.

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How to use each component.

This chapter will give a brief description of the different components, their purpose and various features. All the components have a few things in common:


The CBarGauge is the progress bar from the swing package, slightly modified to function as a bar gauge with the Control Beans package. This is a passive component and does not send any values. It can receive both integer and double values. If a string value is sent to a bar gauge it will be ignored. 


The CButton is an ordinary button. When clicked the button will send the integer value "1" to the communicator. This component ignores all values being sent to it.


The CCheckBox is an ordinary check box. When selected it will send the integer value "1" to the communicator. When deselected it will send the integer value "0". The state of the component can also be set by sending values to it. The value "0" will deselect the component, while all other values will select it. 


The CPlotter is a panel with a few modifications. This is a passive component and it does not send any values. It can receive both integer and double values. If a string value is sent to the plotter it will be ignored.
When a value is sent to the plotter it will be stored within it and then plotted. The maximum number of values a plotter can hold is determined by the capacity attribute. The value itself will be the y-value while the time for the value will be the x-value.
A plotter can plot more then one curve. Instead of the usual tag attribute, the plotter has a tags attribute which is an array of integers. To separate the curves, you can give them different colours by changing the colors attribute. colors is an array of Color. tags and colors work like this: the curve that has a tag in tags[0] gets the color of colors[0], the curve with its tag in tags[1] gets the color of colors[1] and so on. If colors is smaller then tags (not as many colors as tags) the last curves will be black.

Plotter also has the following attributes:

xMajorTickSpacing, xMinorTickSpacing, yMajorTickSpacing, yMinorTickSpacing: The spacing between the big and small lines (major and minor ticks) on the two axis. The major ticks also have their value as labels next to them.
drawTicks: Boolean value telling if the ticks should be drawn or not.
drawAxis: Boolean value telling if the axis should be drawn or not.
refreshrate: Specifies how often the plotter should be updated. This is given in milliseconds.
xRange, yRange: Specifies over how large range the x-axis and y-axis should span.
yOffset: Specifies the lowest value on the y-axis.


The CRadioButton is an ordinary radio button. When selected it will send the integer value "1" to the communicator. When deselected it will send the integer value "0". The state of the component can also be set by sending values to it. The value "0" will deselect the component, while all other values will select it. NOTE: In order for a radio button to part of a group, it has to be added to a ButtonGroup. You can achieve this either by writing the code yourself or you can place the radio buttons you wish to group in a CRadioButtonPanel.


The CRadioButtonPanel is an ordinary panel with a ButtonGroup added. It is only used to group radio buttons and does not send or receive any values.


The CScrollbar is an ordinary scroll bar. The CScrollbar can send and receive integer and double values, received string values are ignored. A slider normally only sends and receives integer values which is why CScrollbar has the added attribute divisor. Before sending a value, CScrollbar will divide it with divisor. Correspondingly, when receiving a value, it will be multiplied with divisor. NOTE: We do not recommend use of this component as it has been replaced by the more useful CSlider.


The CSlider is an ordinary slider from the swing package. The CSlider can send and receive integer and double values, received string values are ignored. A slider normally only sends and receives integer values which is why CSlider has the added attribute divisor. Before sending a value, CSlider will divide it with divisor. Correspondingly, when receiving a value, it will be multiplied with divisor. 


The CTextArea is an ordinary text area. The text area receive integer, double and string values, but it cannot send any values. It is useful for debugging purposes.


The CTextField is an ordinary text field. The text field can send and receive integer, double and string values. When a user types in a text into the component, it will first try to convert the string to an integer before sending it. If that can be done, it will try to convert it to a double value. If that isn't possible either, the value will be sent as a string.

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How to use non control components.

Sometimes you may wish to use a component that is not included in the Control Beans package to create your GUI. Since those components does not support the Control Beans protocol you have to use the CRelay component.


The CRelay component is used for communication with components which are not part of the Control Beans package. This component will receive values from the communicator and alert the non control component by sending an event. It may also receive events from the non control component, fetch the value from the component and send it to the communicator. Here is how you use it:
  1. Connect the CRelay component to the communicator.
  2. Connect the non control Component to the CRelay component in such a way that when someone changes the value of the non control component, the event telling that this has happened will be sent to CRelay. The most common events are ActionEvent and AdjustmentEvent. Make it so that one of CRelays setValue methods are invoked and that the parameter for this method is fetched from the components value (or any corresponding) attribute.
  3. Connect the CRelay component to the non control component in such a way that when the non control component receives a RelayEvent, the value (or corresponding) attribute is set to either intValue, doubleValue or stringValue which are found in the CRelay component.
CRelay may also convert integer to double values and vice versa before sending them to the communicator or passing them to the non control component. The attributes sendDoubleAsInt, sendIntAsDouble, receiveDoubleAsInt and receiveIntAsDouble controls the conversions.

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The TCP/IP Communicator.

This is a communicator designed to be used over a TCP/IP network, such as Internet. It uses two sockets, one for input data and one for output data. The communicator first opens the output socket and then the input socket which means that if you write a server for this communicator, you will have to open the servers input socket first (or make sure it can listen to two sockets at once). After the sockets have been opened, the communicator requests a stream from each socket. The streams are of the types DataInputStream and DataOutputStream. When a component sends a value to the TCP/IP Communicator, the communicator sends the value over the output socket according to the following protocol:
  1. type (int)
  2. tag (int)
  3. value(int, double or string) (depends on type)
  4. time(double) (optional, depends on type)
The type is an integer which can be one of the following: 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13.
If the type is 1 or 11, value will be an integer.  If it is 2 or 12, value will be a double and if it is 3 or 13, value will be a string.
If the type is 1, 2, 3, time will not be sent but for the other types it will be.

When receiving a type that is not one of the above, the communicator will assume that there has been an error and shut down the sockets.
Strings are written and read to and from the streams with the methods writeUTF() and readUTF().
The communicator has two attributes which controls its appearance: statusfield and editable. These are boolean values which determine whether or not the small statusfield and the text fields respectively should be shown.

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  1. Since NetBeans uses adapter classes to connect the components to the communicator it must be created before the components. This can be achieved by using NetBeans Component Inspector. If you right click a component that has been added to a form, you can move it up or down by selecting the corresponding item in the menu.

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