Canon G2 macro range test

This is just a simple test of the macro capabilities of the Canon G2. I use a 49mm lensmate adapter and I have a +1, +2, +4, and +5 close up lenses. The scale is in mm with 10's written out and a mark for every 5mm.
Please note that the two first are at full wide angle and the rest at full tele! I have always found it better and easier to work at full zoom with close up lenses.
Click on the images for full size pictures.

Without any close up lens (zoom at full wide angle):

With one (+1) close up lens (zoom at full wide angle):

With one (+2) close up lens (zoom at full tele!):

With one (+4) close up lens (zoom at full tele!):

With one (+5) close up lens (zoom at full tele!):

With two (+5 and +4) close up lenses (zoom at full tele!):

With all (+5,+4,+2,+1) close up lenses (zoom at full tele!):

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(C) 2002 Mats Lund.