TAC-2 connected to an XBOX controller S

The pictures show where the connections were made to the xbox controller PCB. The solderings aren't real pretty, but they work. The "fire" button on the joystick is connected to the "A" button on the xbox controller. I wasn't sure how those buttons work so I connected a 56 Ohm resistor in series. If you know how they work, or have the schematics, please email me. The joystick (TAC-2 or any other standard ATARI/Commodore) fire button shorts to ground when pressed. The directions are connected to the four-way pad on the xbox controller, directly, as the four-way pad seemed to "short-to-ground" when pressed. It works great, but if you decide to do it, it's your own risk. I assume no responsibility what-so-ever... :)

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Connection for fire button. Series with a 56 Ohm resistor.
The four directions, directly to Joystick.