Adam's Home Page
Adam® - strange but nice!

If you're using Netscape , this page might be pretty cool...

[Oh, and there's still some being done here...]

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You have just entered my territory! WELCOME!!!

You're visitor number since I started my counter...

Can it really be true? Well, there is only one way to find out!
This is so damn unbelievable I just have to put it up here -
"Here in my left hand I have a copy of tonight's
[Inside information: It really is the home page of Late Show with
David Letterman with the latest list on it... Awesome!!!]

First of all, I'd like to ask you a question... Should I be allowed to call myself tHe c°°l d°°d® ?
If you don't think I should, and your answer to this question is "No", I only have two things to say to you: #@*!$&% and £^#@!"

Bill and Ted definately would have said like this if they ever saw it!

Click below to get to a certain part of my page...


And His Home

School Means Probs

But Probs Can Be Solved

Am I @ a Computer Right Now?

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[PL means P°is°Nous Links]

Who is this guy?

I belong to those who like to take everything to The MaXX
My definition of myself is 'An outrageously odd Swedish party-d°°d who wants to make his life a short but really adrenaline-pumpin' adventure.' The gif at the top of this page shows the way I looked in Oct '94. If you, for some strange reason, want to know what me and my "
I won't live to see thirty"-friends will look like in 10 years, take a look at this!

Since I don't want to give you a far too subjective view of what I'm like, I would like to quote a female friend of mine who described me as follows: "A cool snowboarding guy who loves eroticism and beautiful sensual women ! " At least that's the kind of person she thinks I am.

Well, there are some other things in life that I like... Here is a sample taken from my favourite movie and I am also the kind of person that really likes this! (hmmm...)
While telling you what I like, I might just as well let you listen to this sample which tells you what kind of car I'd like to own, and how to get one of those... Here is the reason why! =)

Music is also an important part of my life - Here are two different examples of what kind of music I like!

Hmm, maybe you didn't like that last one? =)

While being on the subject music, I decided to add this little picture, showing the worlds greatest musicians!


(A list of DM Internet Resources )

Where does he live?

Well, for the moment I'm a student in Halmstad, a nice little town on the West coast in Sweden. Hence I've got myself an excellent flat in the attic of a house, situated not too far from school and rather close to the city center.

Due to the fact that I returned from Australia in May this year, having been there for almost a full year, I'm really glad that I'm living in a coastal town these days. I was living rather close to the ocean Down Under while I was studying at Murdoch University , Perth - which was a university with an extremely nice and friendly atmosphere - and I went surfing, with or without a surfboard, almost every day. The waves in Australia are pure filth, if you know what I mean...

Well, when my time at the uni was up, I decided to see more of Australia before I headed home, so I went hitch hiking around two thirds of the coastline - from Perth to Port Douglas - seeing a lot of gorgeous surroundings and waking up at the beach just as the sun rose a lot of mornings. I must say that I don't think life will ever be as pleasant and enjoyable again. That was just such a divine experience...

To anyone who's ever thought about going to Australia - all I can say is: Go for it! Don't let anything stop you and just let happiness rush through you as you discover all the great things Oz has to offer! But don't bring your pet along - considering all the strange and dangerous animals you might bump into along the way, like an angry smurf , a cute reptile , an even cuter reptile , a babe that loves surfers or an odd-looking frog ... Any of these sweethearts just might scare your little kitty to death and make him look like this !!! (Not to mention the way you'd look...)

Oh, and while carrying on, click here!
What did you do when you heard that? Nothing?

Studying, right?

Well, I began my education at Lund Institute of Technology in the beautiful autumn of 1993. Computer Science and Technology was my call, I thought, but after a couple of months I realized that I didn't know what I had stepped into.

So, just as it has done to most ppl who have ever tried it half-heartedly, like this poor guy, maths got me killed, in a matter of speaking. And while not having decided how to get back to life, I just kept on "studying" at LTH. Time is ticking...

Oh, by the way, do you like getting ppl's attention ? Did you just click on attention ??? Did you get mad and angry with me?

What happened then?

Well, I had to make something out of this total mess; I was way too many exams behind to be able to continue at 2nd year after summer. So I decided to study some astronomy at the University, while trying to pass some re-exams at LTH.

Because of the many "original" exams I had flunked I didn't get any study allowances any longer... Thus I suffered from an extreme lack of money, and that's why I had to change my food habits. But I can recommend some real goodies that taste delicious!

(Are you bored? Having a tough time tryin' to stay awake? Maybe this will help...)

Well, that was the autumn of '94 - The astronomy-classes didn't go too well, since I missed a bunch of them [they were in the evenings] and didn't even bother to give the exam a chance. Furthermore I began to understand that I was really fed up with this tekknikkal stuff - so I gave English a chance for one semester, passed most of my courses, got study support again, went to Oz, had a smashing time and now I'm back in Sweden again - no study allowances, back in the technical field (Innovative Engineering at Högskolan i Halmstad ), kept busy trying to stay in touch with all my international friends, making new ones here, updating webpages and lots of other stuff... But hey - noone ever said life was gonna be easy! I'll make it, somehow...

So now there is only one thing I can do...

Enjoy Life While It Lasts!!!


Do you wanna know if I'm logged on right now? , or ?

You wanna send me email in an easy way???

Or maybe you'd like to add yourself to my Guestbook?

Here are links to a couple of my friends' Homepages

Some of my Favourite Pages...


Planet Earth Homepage, some cool stuff here!

Do You Know the Answer to the Question of the Day?

Pretty Useful, Actually:

Dictionary , explanation of English words

You Are Here Server - Internet Address --> Location on Map

IRC Related Stuff:

Home Page of The #Sweden IRC Channel

GIFs of IRC'ers from Norway

IRC Images [i.e. GIFs of a Lot of ppl]

All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy...

A Party Map Over Sweden

Some info about tI-Ie _ ©0oL
3St _ ()f _ @l|_ _ Pa®TiE5 !!!

Sounds From the States

A Page Full of Great MUSIC!

Visit Adam®'s Private Gallery...

Some Neat Fractals

Interactive Games on the Web!

IBM's Arcade! (Tic-Tac-Toe, Hangman...)

My Favourite Comics:

Calvin and Hobbes

Feedback Guestbook Music Links P°is°Nous Pics The Globe Murdoch Univ, Oz

Well, since this has been a rather long, but hopefully pleasant, trip, I'd like to show you my gratitude!

Oh, and one last thing!!!

SnailMail & Bed:


Last modified: Thu 4 Jun '98, 9:04:42 P.M. CET

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