| Lisp - The Movie11:23 Restate my assumptions: 1. Lisp is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through cons cells. 3. If you link the cons cells of any system, lists emerge. Therefore, there are lists everywhere in nature. Evidence: DNA strings. Chains of cause and effect. The recursive nature of the recursive nature of the recursive nature of the recursive nature of the recursive nature of the recursive nature of the recursiMax stack depth exceeded! Heap overflow! 131232132123131232312132131232132123132132312123131232132123131232312132131232 312123132132312132131232132123131232312132131232132123132132312123131232132123 132132312132131232312123132132312123131232132123131232312132131232132123132132 31212313123213212313 -- Linus Akesson |