56-byte Sierpinski's Triangle GeneratorAssembler/80186

A small program that dumps the first meg to draw a Sierpingski Triangle. It will not work on CGA video cards. The routine also assumes that AH is zero upon start. The program may therefor not work on all DOS versions.

The source code and a compiled version is available for download (1119 bytes).

; SIERPIN - Sierpinski's Triangle, 56 bytes! - Tylisha C. Andersen

.model tiny
org 100h


main:   mov     al,12h          ; set video mode 12h
        int     10h
        mov     di,3            ; set di = 3 for divide, video mode

m_1:    imul    bp,9421         ; generate random number
        inc     bp 
        mov     ax,bp           ; dx:ax = random number
        xor     dx,dx
        div     di              ; divide by 3
        dec     dx              ; check result, go to top left if 0,
        jz      m_3             ; top right if 1, and bottom if -1
        jg      m_2

        add     si,480          ; move to bottom part:
        sub     cx,320          ; x = x + 0.5, y = y + 1

m_2:    add     cx,640          ; move to top right part:  x = x + 1

m_3:    shr     cx,1            ; shrink by a factor of 2
        shr     si,1

        mov     ax,0C0Fh        ; put pixel at (x, y) in white
        mov     dx,si           ; using BIOS call - slow, but works
        int     10h
        mov     ah,1            ; check for key press
        int     16h
        jz      m_1             ; loop while no key pressed

        xchg    ax,di           ; restore text mode
        int     10h
        ret                     ; return to DOS

end     main
Gem writer: Tylisha C. Andersen
last updated: 1998-06-07