76-byte Life SimulatorAssembler/80286

This is a small implementation of the well known 'Game Of Life'.
It has now been reduced to 65 bytes. All previous published versions on the page is included in the archive. Here follows a description of what has been optimized:

There have been reports that using 9000h as a 64k buffer may crash the computer. This is however not the case with the 4 computers I have tested it with. I run Win95 DOS (DOS7.0) and Win95 DOS box. Both have that area free. Since the source is included anyone wishing to correct this problem may do so. The 9000h segment is used as memory management in some configurations. This might be avoided by loading DOS high.

The source and a compiled version is available for download (2805 bytes).

; Life simulator, 72 bytes  - Vladislav Kaipetsky and Tenie Remmel
;                 65 bytes  - Mark Andreas

; If no args, regs on startup are:

; AX = BX = 0000h
; SI = IP = 0100h
; DI = SP = FFFEh

ORG 100h

Start:  int     1ah             ; ah=00: cx=hours, dx=tic counter

        mov     al,13h          ; Set mode 13h
        int     10h

        push    09000h          ; DS = last 64K segment
        pop     ds
        push    0A000h          ; ES = video memory
        pop     es
                                ; BX is already zero
        rol     ax,1            ; Generate random number
        adc     [bx],al
        dec     bx
        jnz     RandLoop

; BX will not be equal to 3 the first time this loop is executed, but
; it will be for all other times.   As SI = 0100h and DI = FFFEh on
; startup, SI - DI will be equal to 258.

        xchg    cx,ax
        add     cl,[di+bx-64]   ; Add in this column
        add     cl,[si+bx-2]
        add     cl,[si+bx+318]
        dec     bx              ; Loop back
        jnz     AccLoop

        mov     al,[si]         ; Get center cell, set pixel
        stc                     ; 3 = birth, 4 = stay (tricky):
        rcr     al,cl           ; 1.00?0000x --> 0.0x100?00 (rcr 3)
        and     al,20h          ; ^carry   |         ^
                                ;          +---> 0.00x100?0 (rcr 4)
        or      [si],al         ; Add in new cell     ^
        shr     [byte di-65],5  ; Shift previous value

        mov     bl,3            ; 3 iterations in AccLoop
        inc     si              ; Loop while not zero
        jnz     LifeLoop

        mov     ah,1            ; Check for key
        int     16h
        jz      LifeLoop        ; Loop if no key

        xchg    ax,bx           ; Set text mode
        int     10h
        ret                     ; Return

End     Start
Note from John:
You may replace the key check with the following snippet:
        in      al,60h
        jc      LifeLoop
It will save one byte, it is however not as reliable as the solution presented above.
Gem writers: (optimisations) Mark Andreas
(comments) John Eckerdal
Vladislav Kaipetsky
Tenie Remmel
last updated: 1998-06-07