A BIOS delayASM/8086

This gem presents a delay using BIOS. It will use the interrupt 15H function 86H. The function let you time in microseconds. You input two 16 bit values and the function will do the rest:

; a BIOS delay
; input:
;   ah = 86h, al = dont care
;   cx = high 16 bits of timing value
;   dx = low 16 bits of timig value
; output:
;   delay
; destroys:
;   nothing (ah may be recarded as destroyed)

        mov     ah,86h
        mov     cx,[hi16bit]
        mov     dx,[lo16bit]
        int     15h
Gem writer: John Eckerdal
Contributor: Robert Durnal
last updated: 1999-06-02