From: (Anti JN)

Subject: Anti JN adds another year to the total!

Date: 27 Apr 1995 10:02:33 GMT

Yup, today's my birthday. I'm no longer a strapping lad
of age 23, but one of 24.
The party's at my flat, I've got a couple of hundred
beers in the cooler and 20 litres of Absolut in the freezer.
But if you drive, leave the car _outside_ the garden.

/^JN - The Anti JN - Proudly bearing the mark of 24 years.
########  <A HREF="">No homepage :-( </A>  ######
#  The Anti-JN Deluxe!      Kill the fluffy ones!!!      "What's up Bacon?"  #
#       Jesper Nilsson -- ||          #
##############  I've heard of UNIseX, but I've never had it.  ################

Jesper Nilsson // or