Web Server Statistics for DF

Program started at Sun-10-Jan-1999 14:47 local time.
Analysed requests from Thu-01-Jan-1998 00:00 to Thu-31-Dec-1998 23:59 (365.0 days).

Total successful requests: 14267934
Average successful requests per day: 39090
Total successful requests for pages: 3131686
Average successful requests for pages per day: 8579
Total data transferred: 239390 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 671603 kbytes

Directory Report

Printing all directories with at least 90000 requests, sorted by number of requests.
Printing directories to depth 1.

#reqs:   %bytes: directory
-------  ------  ---------
2714033		 /~triad/
1578938		 /~micke/
1161767		 /~spock/
 676347		 /~ola/
 648047		 /~fernbom/
 614505		 /~mikaelb/
 556738		 /~cato/
 467395		 /~ozzie/
 394392		 /~thanisa/
 302851		 /~hans/
 288017		 /~master/
 278590		 /~toby/
 265123		 /~viking/
 206088		 /cornelis/
 194163		 /routers/
 180709		 /~bjork/
 150271		 /~john_e/
 139172		 /~morpheo/
 130351		 /~ghost/
 110640		 /~afro/
 106164		 [root directory]
 104393		 /~oo/
 101419		 /~andreas/
  99825		 /~menthos/
  97846		 /~kanstrup/
  95512		 /~bengt/

Request Report

Printing all requested files with at least 7000 requests, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs:   %bytes: file
-------  ------  ----
 261251		 /~micke/annaworship.html
  70799		 /~triad/triad/
  49951		 /~spock/
  48558		 /~spock/lycka.html
  40689		 /
  38870		 /~triad/audio/
  32809		 /~spock/index2.html
  31366		 /~spock/top.html
  29847		 /~master/pics/babes/
  29528		 /~spock/menu2.html
  26442		 /~triad/triad/3illeg.html
  24955		 /~spock/xx.html
  23603		 /~triad/triad/3phile.html
  22069		 /~wilt/DAHAP/
  20884		 /~fernbom/metallica/
  20340		 /cornelis/
  19444		 /welcome.html
  19003		 /bar.html
  17785		 /~spock/menu.html
  17772		 /~fernbom/music/mods/
  16577		 /~triad/Philez.html
  15688		 /~fernbom/music/mods/menu.html
  15604		 /~spock/boy.html
  15375		 /~viking/wav.html
  14556		 /~triad/
  14540		 /~spock/jens.html
  14144		 /contents.html
  14118		 /~ola/c64.html
  13119		 /~triad/book/
  13061		 /~triad/book/04underj.html
  11370		 /~spock/book.html
  11094		 /~spock/octavo.html
  10567		 /~ozzie/Norum/
   9991		 /~ozzie/Norum/main.html
   9967		 /~triad/triad/3linx.html
   9878		 /~spock/jensmain.html
   9636		 /~spock/jenmenu.html
   9505		 /~ozzie/Norum/left.html
   9441		 /~afro/jeff/jeff.html
   9318		 /~viking/ringls01.html
   9139		 /~bjork/photographic/
   9062		 /~afro/jeff/
   8796		 /~cato/nostalgia.html
   8766		 /~viking/prewav.html
   8729		 /~fernbom/tracks/
   8364		 /~spock/space.html
   8327		 /~triad/Triad_Home.html
   8020		 /~thanisa/recept/
   7697		 /~john_e/gems.html
   7476		 /~mikaelb/statiscope/statiscope.shtml
   7392		 /~micke/wholemanifesto.html
   7142		 /~mikaelb/ticalc-enu.shtml

This analysis was produced by a Perl-script written by Hugo Fernbom Thu-26-Feb-1998.

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