Web Server Statistics for DF

Program started at Mon-01-Jan-2007 00:30.
Analysed requests from Wed-11-Jan-2006 22:20 to Sun-31-Dec-2006 23:59 (354.07 days).

Successful requests: 17 805 533
Average successful requests per day: 50 288
Successful requests for pages: 5 868 735
Average successful requests for pages per day: 16 575
Data transferred: 682.055 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 1.926 Gbytes

Directory Report

Printing all directories with at least 125000 requests, sorted by number of requests.
Printing directories to depth 1.

#reqs:   %bytes: directory
-------  ------  ---------
2403767		 /~pi/
1834507		 /~mikaelb/
1609693		 /~triad/
1329582		 /~thanisa/
1020103		 /~cato/
 902474		 [root directory]
 778259		 /~mehinger/
 773814		 /~ola/
 690199		 /~roubert/
 542708		 /~master/
 436319		 /~fernbom/
 411325		 /~ghost/
 293129		 /~kanstrup/
 269255		 /icons/
 259280		 /~lft/
 256251		 /~cga/
 228583		 /~matsf/
 210830		 /~john_e/
 200694		 /~afro/
 191337		 /~egh/
 179853		 /~snorkelf/
 163248		 /~lakaan/
 159837		 /~bengt/
 159433		 /~orjan/
 140916		 /~michael/

Request Report

Printing all requested files with at least 7000 requests, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs:   %bytes: file
-------  ------  ----
 177698		 /~triad/gnulinux/new.php
 138651		 /~triad/gnulinux/submit.php
  89822		 /~mikaelb/pocketcalc.shtml
  88150		 /~master/pics/babes/roberta/
  82854		 /php/thumbnail.php
  76289		 /
  57977		 /~borg/galleries/sp_index.php
  52138		 /~mehinger/undervisning/index.php
  40374		 /~borg/galleries/sp_getthumb.php
  35604		 /~afro/jeff/guestbook/addguest.html
  32031		 /~afro/lomo/guestbook/addguest.html
  27842		 /~ola/dino.html
  27748		 /~lakaan/blogg/feed/
  22314		 /~master/more/pics.html
  22092		 /~ryssen/uevorpg/boards/main/index.php
  21775		 /~ghost/guestbook/signguestbook.shtml
  20126		 /services.html
  20007		 /~mikaelb/aritm/aritm-sve.shtml
  19943		 /~triad/
  18575		 /~triad/triad/
  16642		 /~lft/tags/
  15445		 /~master/pics/babes/
  14917		 /~dg/photo/get_thumbs.php
  14068		 /~thanisa/guestbook.html
  13613		 /~mikaelb/aritm/aritm.shtml
  13003		 /~ghost/startrek/startrek_sounds.shtml
  12790		 /php/dispthumbs.php
  12752		 /~fernbom/notfound.html
  11740		 /~fernbom/music/mods/mods.html
  11523		 /~thanisa/recept/alpha/all.html
  11173		 /~cato/nostalgia.html
  11157		 /~fernbom/music/mods/
  10470		 /~mikaelb/statiscope/statiscope.shtml
  10440		 /~wood/nv3c/forum/lees.php
  10436		 /~kanstrup/gfa/phpjukyard/gbook.php
  10399		 /~egh/fora/index.php
  10225		 /~ghost/startrek/startrek_images.shtml
  10211		 /~dg/photo/viewer.php
   9303		 /~thanisa/recept/units.html
   9282		 /~fernbom/music/mods/menu.html
   9224		 /~john_e/gems.html
   8848		 /~master/pics/kittel/the_spanking_party/
   8823		 /~triad/book/
   8787		 /~triad/krad/linuxinstall.php
   8543		 /~micke/annaworship.html
   8520		 /~gemini/Pictures/main.php
   7943		 /~mikaelb/vagmarken/korkortsteori-sve.shtml
   7653		 /~cml/scania/
   7535		 /~afro/guestbook/addguest.html
   7512		 /docs/aboutdf.html
   7456		 /~mikaelb/pocketcalc-enu.shtml
   7193		 /~cb/
   7158		 /~roubert/www.ollning.com/
   7130		 /~ryssen/pics/index.php

This analysis was produced by a Perl-script written by Hugo Fernbom Thu-26-Feb-1998.

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