(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 1 739 559
Average successful requests per day: 57 986
Successful requests for pages: 430 614
Average successful requests for pages per day: 14 354
Data transferred: 69.280 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 2.309 Gbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the top 15 domains by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: domain -------: ------: ------ 1552982: 97.07%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 65274: 1.02%: .com (Commercial) 49824: 0.72%: .se (Sweden) 32284: 0.57%: .net (Network) 7079: 0.07%: .fi (Finland) 4617: 0.10%: .is (Iceland) 2485: 0.03%: .edu (USA Educational) 2371: 0.05%: .de (Germany) 2122: 0.02%: .uk (United Kingdom) 1870: 0.03%: .pl (Poland) 1683: 0.02%: .ca (Canada) 1436: 0.04%: .nl (Netherlands) 1210: 0.02%: .au (Australia) 1208: 0.01%: .gr (Greece) 1136: 0.02%: .dk (Denmark) 11978: 0.22%: [not listed: 83 domains]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the top 25 directories by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: directory ------: ------: --------- 205607: 3.72%: /~fernbom/ 153903: 13.20%: /~triad/ 143921: 1.66%: /~mikaelb/ 117328: 1.80%: /~thanisa/ 96303: 22.77%: /~roubert/ 84213: 0.86%: /~cato/ 83757: 1.17%: /~pi/ 79133: 4.10%: /~ola/ 69879: 0.08%: [root directory] 60446: 0.14%: /~jonatan/ 47045: 4.93%: /~mehinger/ 32548: 1.72%: /~ghost/ 30122: 0.73%: /~kanstrup/ 29771: 2.49%: /~master/ 29576: 0.01%: /icons/ 28950: 1.44%: /~arnholm/ 26610: 0.20%: /~snorkelf/ 25979: 0.56%: /~cga/ 25201: 3.48%: /~lft/ 20458: 0.08%: /~john_e/ 17948: 0.38%: /~bengt/ 17212: 5.27%: /~cml/ 15809: 0.44%: /~hans/ 13913: 0.31%: /~matsf/ 12559: 0.54%: /~ozzie/ 271368: 27.92%: [not listed: 306 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the top 50 files by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: file -------: ------: ---- 7871: 0.04%: /php/thumbnail.php 7671: 0.01%: /~mikaelb/edu/xmas/images/ 5076: 0.04%: / 4987: 0.01%: /~triad/gnulinux/new.php 4721: 5.29%: /~triad/gnulinux/submit.php 3643: 0.16%: /~mehinger/undervisning/index.php 3510: 0.11%: /~lakaan/blogg/feed/ 3119: 0.01%: /~mikaelb/pocketcalc.shtml 3118: 0.03%: /~mikaelb/aritm/aritm-sve.shtml 2362: 0.01%: /~borg/galleries/sp_index.php 2037: 0.01%: /~triad/triad/ 1966: 0.02%: /~mikaelb/aritm/aritm.shtml 1679: 0.05%: /~ola/dino.html 1614: 0.01%: /~triad/ 1575: 0.01%: /~ryssen/uevorpg/boards/main/index.php 1572: 0.01%: /~lft/tags/ 1517: 0.07%: /~nehle/smf/index.php 1499: : /~master/more/pics.html 1288: 0.01%: /~mikaelb/statiscope/statiscope.shtml 1276: 0.01%: /~mikaelb/pocketcalc-enu.shtml 1229: : /~ozzie/Norum/ 1207: 0.77%: /~thanisa/recept/alpha/all.html 1188: 0.12%: /~fernbom/music/mods/mods.html 1139: 0.10%: /~cml/scania/ 1044: 0.09%: /~micke/s_earth.html 1043: : /~borg/galleries/sp_getthumb.php 1041: 0.02%: /~ryssen/pics/index.php 1036: 0.02%: /~triad/book/ 991: 0.01%: /~hagar/lurvas/foto/valj.php 985: : /~fernbom/music/mods/ 980: 0.01%: /~fernbom/metallica/ 979: 0.01%: /~john_e/gems.html 967: : /~cato/nostalgia.html 956: 0.03%: /~roubert/www.ollning.com/ 919: 0.01%: /~mikaelb/vagmarken/korkortsteori-sve.shtml 902: : /~arnholm/images/movie/salma/ 861: : /~gemini/Pictures/main.php 859: 0.01%: /php/dispthumbs.php 849: 0.01%: /~triad/krad/linuxinstall.php 837: 0.01%: /~thanisa/recept/units.html 814: : /~fernbom/music/mods/menu.html 799: : /~ghost/startrek/startrek_images.shtml 797: 0.02%: /~ghost/startrek/startrek_sounds.shtml 791: : /~ola/Starwars/StarWars/starwars2.html 758: 0.01%: /~hagar/bal/thumbnail.php 756: 0.01%: /~roubert/fsf/cd2.html 754: 0.01%: /~mikaelb/edu/ellaraa/multisim.html 754: 0.02%: /~lakaan/blogg/comments/feed/ 752: : /~mol/if.html 745: : /~micke/annaworship.html 1649726: 92.81%: [not listed: 128 488 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)