aurora - the Goddess
For those who have a small Web pipe, I made these notes about the McEwen speech:
Amiga acknowledge 18mth behind schedule due to various factors (market, lost deals etc.). Plagued with adversity, Sharp launches Zaurus with no intent/DE on (surprise to Amiga) though this will come, Nokia cancel set top box publicly BEFORE telling Amiga, DE had been running on Dreamcast etc. Hence will no longer announce anything until you can see, touch and get it.
Amigaone/OS4.0 still going well.
Amiga content already seen in ads for Sprint phones.
Statement, "get legal by Sept 1st, 2002 or we will close you down" to [unnamed] parties who have allegedly stolen Amiga's IP, source code, hardware (literally).
Amiga content pre-loaded on Sendo phones (Z100) now, had prototype running Planet Zed.
Amiga content on linux-based PDA (Royal?) by Xmas 2002.
Deal with O2 network, including entertainment packs in retail outlets such as Dixons.
There was another platform demonstrated but under NDA so not transmitted via audio/webcam.
The M$ deal was apparently for partner leverage, allowing Amiga to be running on Toshiba and others, M$ have been dealing out Amiga content SD cards to partners.
Although prize draw finished, "I Am Amiga" club to be continued, i.e. not as extension of special offer but ongoing club with $50 yearly membership (details to be announced). T-shirt design competition forthcoming.
Source: Thanks to "BouncingAyatollah".
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