ComputersThese wonderful toys occupy a fair share of my mind and a nice slice of my time. Here are some links to information that I find useful. Software Development
C FAQ - the great
Usenet C FAQ
GCC - one of the most
widespread C/C++ compilers ![]()
IOCCC - join this
obscure program code competition
Tech Tips - solutions for many tricky situations
MySQL - the world's most popular
open source database - the source for Perl
SQL Quick
Reference - handy for handling those database queries Linux & Unix![]()
Debian GNU/Linux - a rich and
capable Linux distribution - Linux news and
Linux Hardware
HowTo - helps you configure it out
Linux Journal - one of the
premier Linux magazines
Linux Online - a comprehensive site
on this outstanding OS
Slackware - a Linux distribution
favoured by many initiated
Unix FAQ - the great
Usenet Unix FAQ
Unix Guru Universe - a resource for
Unix system administrators
zsh Index - a guide to my favourite
command shell Gaming
Angband - a classic dungeon
game, available for several platforms
The Arreat Summit - all
the info on Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
D2X-XL - an OpenGL port of the
awesome classic Descent 2
Diablo II Supplemental -
useful info compiled for serious D2 gamers ![]()
Game FAQs - stop banging your
head against that infinitely thick brick wall!
RPGamer - loads of role playig
Sorcerer's Place - an invaluable
source for role players
TeamSpeak - free, smooth group
audio conversation Miscellaneous
Elements - W3C's standard reference
Slashdot - news for nerds
Tom's Hardware Guide - tests
and reviews on all the hardware |