über prompt
- works on Solaris, Cygwin, Putty, Linux, GNU screen
- compatible with bash and zsh
- dynamicly set prompt string or title with 'prompt' and 'title'
- visually distinctive, commands are well separated with a
horizontal line
- adapts to terminal resizing
- no distracting colors.
A nice prompt without visual distractions. When
reading the backlog of a terminal it's very easy to find where the last
command were executed.
Download and install
Download the file uberprompt-sh and
put this line in your .bashrc:
source /path/to/uberprompt-sh
change the file name and directory as you see fit.
The Fine Manual
Uberprompt comes with a few commands to control the layout of the prompt:
prompt -h
prompt() is part of Uberprompt by Thomas Eriksson.
prompt sets the terminal prompt string in uberprompt.
Usage: prompt [PROMPT]
Without prompt argument, the hostname will be set.
# slackwareisch prompt (bash specific)
prompt "\u@\h:\w\$"
# run a command in the prompt, eg seconds since epoch
prompt "\$(date +%s)"
title -h
title() is part of Uberprompt by Thomas Eriksson.
title sets the terminal window title.
Usage: title [-n] [TITLE]
-n sets a non-permanent title, otherwise the title will be re-set each time the prompt is displayed
Without title argument, a default title will be set.
apptitle -h
apptitle() is part of Uberprompt by Thomas Eriksson.
apptitle appends string to the title when an application is run.
Usage: apptitle [APP] [TITLE]
Without title argument, the application name is set appended to the title.
# display arguments given to vim in the title, eg "vim: foo.c"
apptitle vim "editing: \$@"
# display the topmost path in the title, eg "baking gcc-3.14"
apptitle make "baking \${PWD##*/}"
# run a command in the title, eg "Alien scanning started stardate 1198780941"
apptitle setiathome "Alien scanning started stardate \$(date +%s)"
Legal blah
Heck, It's just a prompt, while I according to Swedish law cannot put
it in the public domain: I'm still the author of the prompt, but do
what you want with it, GPL, include it in Proprietary software,
whatever. Attribute me andor send beer.
/Thomas < >
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